The best touchtennis players in the world battled it out last weekend for the Babolat Masters 2016 final with the machine Simon Roberts winning through to be champion.
The PopUpArena team transformed the ‘People for Places’ Tolworth Recreational Centre into a touchtennis tournament hub for two days with a main ‘Centre’ PopUpCourt, a further three outer PopUpCourts for competitive matches and a fifth PopUpCourt specifically for spectator participation.
This event required over 350sqm of our multi-sport performance surface installed over six hours through Friday evening and Saturday morning and then extracted within just three hours on Sunday evening.
A genuinely rapid process that only a PopUpArena mobile system and our event services team will achieve. Contact Guy on 07966 201751 for more information.
For more information on how to become involved in touchtennis – contact Rashid Ahmed at or