Mobile Sports Arena System
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Rapid Install of Mobile Grandstands at Notting Hill Carnival

As part of Red Bull's Music Festival in London at 2019's Notting Hill Carnival, for a third year running, PopUpArena were contracted to deliver and install our Event Seating temporary tiered grandstands as part of the structure around the Red Bull Sound Stage.

As street parties go, this event is an ideal example where our event seating system will outperform those larger more familiar major event seating contractors. Setting up at Emslie Horniman's Pleasance Park requires a quick turnaround in just a matter of hours with RAPID installation and extraction causing little impact to other contractors on site. 

With capacity for 250 spectators, our tiered bench seating is ideal for audiences that are not settling into one seat; the tiered benches allow free movement for spectators to come and go. Great for spectator events beyond festivals, such as around golf courses, hubs on cycling routes and a broad range of exhibition uses.