VarsityFest is that time of year where the Imperial Medics compete against Imperial College across 11 sports for the 16th year.
For 2018 the VarsiytFest sports partnership team took the bold step to up scale the spectator experience by installing temporary tiered pitch side seating supplied by PopUpArena. Two mobile PUA125 grandstands were installed at two separate event sites over two separate days offering well over 1000 spectators unprecedented views for the Varsity Hockey and other Fest activities.
Feedback from the VarsityFest organising committee;
Firstly we wanted to say thank you for supporting our event, we appreciate there has been a lot of messing around so to get the mobile grandstands turned around in a week was very much appreciated on our part. (editors note - the extreme weather and snow led to uncertainty and therefore plans being re-arranged for the event schedule)
The grandstands were an absolute success and we will definitely be looking to use you again in the future for our events, it worked really well and gave us much more space for the spectators and looked really effective on the day so we will be in touch for future university events.
We wish you well with the contract for the BUCS Big Wednesday, and as we work very closely with the BUCS staff and we have recommended your services over the weekend to the event management team.
For more information on our involvement with this event or about our temporary tiered event seating, please call Mike Milne Home on 07517 422399